Thursday, February 3, 2011

My laptop still is fucked
I've done horribly this week
I was 134 last time I weighed now I'm to scared and fat to even look at the scale. What have i done :'( I've failed once again
I feel like I've gained 20lbs I'm to sared to weigh cuz of my period and binges but it's killing me.
I'm outta meds
Gotta go to the unit for new ones
No thanks
I hope I can call my prescription in
I'm sorry for letting everyone down
I've been drinking my diet tea so it probably helped a bit
I feel like a lost cause
A wannabe
But this is not who I'm destined to be
I will be skinny
It's just seems so untouchable right now
My rag really threw me off and it's owning me
I don't even know what to write anymore,
I don't know what to think or do I havent eaten all day like usual
I want to eat but scared I won't stop
Stay Stronger than me people please
Blah blah blah


  1. Fuck that! You are strong! power to you hun much love <3

  2. awwh hun i hope you feel better soon!
    trust yourself eat a little (:

  3. Finally figured out how to follow your blog! Lol! thx for the comments on mine, btw :).

    and hunny! You're strong! I know exactly how you feel it happens to me too all the time right before i get my monthly i binge or bloat and i feel HUGE!

    Good luck! I had a shitty day hopefully yours works out
